Open Comments & Discussions

Open Comments

We also invited the Answerers survey’s participants to give a free-form comment regarding their concerns of answering Stack Overflow with code snippets. Besides the one we present earlier in the introduction, these are interesting comments we received.

Comment 1

The real issue is less about the amount the code snippets on SO than it is about the staggeringly high number of software professionals that mindlessly use them without understanding what they're copying, and the only slightly less high number of would-be professionals that post snippets with built-in security issues. A related topic is beginners who post (at times dangerously) misleading tutorials online on topics they actually know very little about. Think PHP/MySQL tutorials written 10+ years after mysql_* functions were obsolete, or the recent regex tutorial that got posted the other day on HackerNew ( They're also full of toxic code snippets.

Comment 2

When I copy code it's usually short enough to be considered "fair use" but I am not a lawyer or copyright expert so some guidance from Stack Overflow would be helpful. I'd also like the ability to flag/review questions that violate these guidelines.

Comment 3

My only concern, albeit minor, is that I know people blindly copy my code without even understanding what the code does.

Comment 4

The main problem for me/us is outdated code, esp. as old answers have high google rank so that is what people see first, then try and fail. Thats why we're moving more and more of those examples to knowledge base and docs and rather link to those.

Comment 5

Lot of the answers are from hobbyist so the quality is poor. Usually they are hacks or workarounds (even MY best answer on Stack Overflow is a workaround).


Our study discovers links from code in open source projects to code snippets on Stack Overflow using clone detection techniques. These links enable us to discover toxic code snippets with outdated code or licensing problems. The links can be exploited further to mitigate the problems of reusing outdated online clones and incompatible license on Stack Overflow code snippets. We propose the following actionable items:

Preventive measure

We encourage Stack Overflow to enforce attribution when source code snippets have been copied from licensed software projects to Stack Overflow. Moreover, an IDE plug-in that can automatically detect pasted source code and follow the link to Stack Overflow and then to the original open source projects, could also prevent the issue of license violation.

Detective measure

A system to detect outdated source code snippets on Stack Overflow is needed. The system can leverage the online clone detection techniques in this study to periodically check if the cloned snippets are still up-to-date with their originals. With such a system, the poster can be notified when the code has been updated in the original project so that he/she can update their code on Stack Overflow accordingly. On the other hand, with a crowdsourcing solution using an IDE plug-in, developers can also report the corrected version of outdated code back to the original Stack Overflow threads when they reuse outdated code and make corrections to them.